2023 SL Bowling Postseason Tournament Results
The Suburban League Bowling Teams held their annual Postseason Tournament on Saturday, February 4th at Riviera Lanes in Fairlawn. Nordonia placed first in both boys and girls tournaments, while also capturing the league title on both sides. Team and individual results can be found below, or on the SL Bowling website at https://suburbanleaguebowling.weebly.com/.
Congratulations to all on a fantastic tournament!
Boys Team Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Bakers Total |
Nordonia 974 1057 1025 954 4010 |
Stow 925 1027 997 1001 3950 |
Copley 882 950 933 965 3730 |
Tallmadge 904 954 842 912 3612 |
Kent 886 871 764 898 3419 |
North Royalton 766 913 851 883 3413 |
Falls 898 856 763 852 3369 |
Highland 788 841 840 869 3338 |
Twinsburg 823 837 808 832 3300 |
Hudson 770 877 789 775 3211 |
Wadsworth 668 828 764 731 2991 |
Brecksville 670 687 665 654 2676 |
Barberton 588 664 767 621 2640 |
Girls Team Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Bakers Total |
Nordonia 812 921 761 774 3268 |
Tallmadge 768 854 772 658 3052 |
Barberton 785 751 622 667 2825 |
Kent 574 583 667 716 2540 |
Stow 554 610 738 628 2530 |
Twinsburg 598 615 634 667 2514 |
Copley 630 643 657 583 2513 |
Hudson 619 577 658 656 2510 |
Falls 630 556 636 643 2465 |
North Royalton 587 524 620 608 2339 |
Brecksville 538 553 617 474 2182 |
Wadsworth 521 572 479 544 2116 |
Boys Individual Results
Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total School |
Bryce Lewin 278 257 247 782 Nordonia |
Matt Willis 197 221 235 653 Nordonia |
Ethan Gealy 212 217 201 630 Stow |
Jae Anthony Warden 223 216 184 623 Copley |
Meier Gillespie 224 221 161 606 Kent Roosevelt |
Connor Dougherty 216 200 183 599 North Royalton |
Michael Stein 212 210 171 593 Stow |
Adam Walters 164 227 202 593 Stow |
Kyle Dunne 192 217 178 587 Highland |
Landon Lamielle 177 215 189 581 Hudson |
Girls Individual Results
Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Total School |
Kolbey Lewin 197 179 181 557 Nordonia |
Kaitlyn McNutt 148 225 145 518 Nordonia |
Dee Dee Elijah 144 179 190 513 Tallmadge |
Lillian Wasch 208 145 160 513 Barberton |
MaKayla Legg 142 195 176 513 Tallmadge |
Hailey Whitten 124 219 147 490 Nordonia |
Abigail Pfeil 155 144 189 488 North Royalton |
Madison Wagner 155 112 217 484 Cuyahoga Falls |
Maria Mara 128 192 164 484 Tallmadge |
Emma Jordan 153 174 151 478 Hudson |